5 Famous Greek People



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                                                                       Temple of Hera,Olympia

      Hi and welcome to you.Thank you for stop by at this blog.In this blog, it will be about the 5 Fabulous things or people all around the world. So, for the choices, it would be a history blog narrating about the 5 Greek famous people that gave a big change to world now.

Greek or Hellenes are an ethnic group native to Greece, Cyprus, Italy, Turkey, Egypt, and to a lesser extent other countries surrounding the Mediterranean Sea. This aged in Greek, famous to the people that claimed there is a Thunder God, Zeus give protection to the country followed by the other god like Hades, Hermes, Athena, and a lot more. This ancient God is in the ancient time. For now, over the worldwide mostly are being an influence by the great Greek people either in education section, development, medical section and others. As known to the world, there is 5 great people in Greek that bring a big change to the world nowadays.

1. Archimedes


Archimedes was born 287 BC in the seaport city of Syracuse, Sicily. The date of birth is based on a statement by the Byzantine Greek historian John Tzetzes that Archimedes lived for 75 years.In The Sand Reckoner, Archimedes gives his father's name as Phidias, an astronomer about whom nothing else is known.A biography of Archimedes was written by his friend Heracleides but this work has been lost, leaving the details of his life obscure.It is unknown, for instance, whether he ever married or had children. During his youth, Archimedes may have studied in Alexandria, Egypt, where Conon of Samos and Eratosthenes of Cyrene were contemporaries. He referred to Conon of Samos as his friend, while two of his works (The Method of Mechanical Theorems and the Cattle Problem) have introductions addressed to Eratosthenes. 


Archimedes was a Greek mathematician, physicist, engineer, inventor, and astronomer.Although few details of his life are known, he is known as one of the leading scientists in classical antiquity. Generally he is considered as the greatest mathematician of antiquity and one of the greatest of all time,Archimedes anticipated modern calculus and analysis by applying concepts of infinitesimals and the method of exhaustion to derive and rigorously prove a range of geometrical theorems, including the area of a circle, the surface area and volume of a sphere, and the area under a parabola.

Upon The Death

Archimedes was killed by a Roman soldier in 212 BC, during the Second Punic War. The Romans under General Marcus Claudius Marcellus had been besieging the town of Syracuse for two years, when they finally entered the walls. That time, Archimedes was at his home trying to solve a complex mathematical problem. When the Roman soldier got into the house and raised his sword to kill him, the last words of Archimedes was "Do not disturb my circles", referring to the circles in the mathematical drawing he had made.



Leonidas I (ca. 530 BC-480 BC) was a Spartan king that to be said that he is immortal in Greek literature and legend because of his heroic last stand against Persian invaders. Leonidas is a legend without a biographer. Almost nothing is known of his life. The exact date of his birthday is didn't reach any people mind. Even the spectacular events surrounding his epic struggle in 480 B.C. are shrouded in mystery and open to controversy. Leonidas was born on Spartan territory in the Peloponnesian Peninsula in southern Greece probably between the years 530-500 B.C.

Legend of 300 Army

In 480 BC, Leonidas set out to meet Xerxes' army at Thermopylae with a small army of 300, where he was joined by forces from other Greek city-states, who put themselves under his command to form an army between 4,000 and 7,000 strong. He only fight with 300 Spartans because if he had taken the entire Spartan Army, he would need the permission of the Council, who he knew will not agreed with him. He chose a small amount, saying that its his own personal choice, not representing Sparta in any way.This force was assembled in an attempt to hold the pass of Thermopylae against a massive Persian army of between 80,000 and 290,000 men-at-arms who had invaded from the north of Greece under Xerxes I. In a movies 300, it is stated about the facts of the 300 army lead by Leonidas clearly follow every inch of the story line in the real facts.



Hippocrates is  the famous physician of ancient time in Greece. He is the most famous physician of the ancient times, Hippocrates (460-377 BC) was the first to release medicine from any kind of religious superstition and to establish it as a science based on observation. He is often described as the model of the ancient physician and the founder of western medicine, although in modern terms we can say that he used both clinical and homeopathetic ways. 

Medical Philosophy

He has two medical school in Greece, that is the Knidian and the Koan School of Medicine.The Koan, or else Hippocratic, School developed certain theories that were based mostly on self-treatment. Hippocrates believed that a body became ill when there was an imbalance in the four humors: blood, black bile, yellow bile and phlegm. Medicine therefore aimed to restore this balance. Another Hippocratic concept was that each disease reached to a state of "crisis", after which the disease would either subside or increase, leading eventually to the death of the patient. A relapse might occur depending on the number of days between the crisis and the contraction of the disease.Hippocrates has discover many disease and has make a remarkable achievement in detecting any of it(disease.). The most famous text of the Hippocratic Corpus is the Hippocratic Oath that physicians take even today upon their graduation.  


Upon his death, all researches and observations on clinical case histories came to a stop. Probably his discoveries were so much respected that the physicians of the following centuries didn't dare to investigate or question them. His clinical methods were utilized by the Arabs in the Middle Ages, by the Europeans after the Renaissance and by physicians till the 17th century, when medicine started to develop again as a science.

4. Alexander The Great


Alexander was born in 356 BC in Pella, the capital of the Macedonia Kingdom. Alexander was the third King of Macedonia and can be said as one of the best military personnel the world has ever seen. His military genius brought him tremendous success and managed to stretch the Empire of Macedonia from Greece to India. Alexander the Great, as he is known today, is credited with conquering and annexing to his glorious empire nearly half of the world's population during his time. Tremendously successful in all military coups, Alexander the Great spread the Greek civilization all over the East, and changed the course of history until he died at the age of 33. In his short life, he did so many great thing as he became a legend. His father was King Phillip II of Macedon and his mother was Olympias, the daughter of the king of Epirus. To be said, Iskandar Zulkarnain is also his name after put faith in Islam.

Conquering The East

Alexander has conquered most of all the kingdom in East. At the Battle of Issus, in 333 BC, the Macedonian army for the first time came face to face with the real Persian army led by King Darius III. Darius was defeated and he succumbed to Alexander, who proclaimed himself to be the King of Asia. Alexander moved then to Egypt. There he was named Pharaoh and established the city of Alexandria, that exists and flourishes till today. Alexander went on to the west to occupy Babylon, the capital of the Persian Empire.

Upon His Death

On his death, Alexander the Great died in June 323 BC in his palace in Babylon from unknown causes. It could be poisoning, or malaria or even a physical problem that may have caused the death of Alexander. Others say that he died from grief because his companion, Hephaestion, had been killed in a battle a few months ago.



Socrates (469-399 BC) is considered as the founder of Western Philosophy. He was the man to develop the notion of ethics the most till his time and to introduce a new method of pedagogy, where the student actually finds the truth himself through a series of questions. The surprising thing is that we actually have no writings of Socrates and the only descriptions we have of him and his philosophy is through the manuscripts of his famous students, the philosopher Plato, the historian Xenophon and of the comedy writer Aristophanes, who actually mocks Socrates in one of his plays, The Clouds. Socrates father was Sophroniscus and his mother was Phaenarete, a midwife by profession. 

Personal Life

Socrates used the profession of his mother to describe his teaching methods,as a midwife is helping a woman give birth to her child .The figure of Socrates was unattractive and can be said, he is to short, fat, with a malformed face. However, he got married to a girl much younger than him, Xanthippe, and had three sons. 

The Philosophy of Socrates

According to some historical accounts, he earned his living orating philosophy to his students whereas others mention that he followed the footsteps of his father, a stone sculpture. Some believe that the figurines of the Three Graces that once adorned the Acropolis were actually his work. Apart from that, Socrates was also a brave soldier and fought in the battles of Potidaea, Amphipolis and Delium.

Upon His Death

In 399 BC, Socrates was put under the accusation of corrupting the young Athenians. Socrates was eventually found guilty and was sentenced to death by drinking the poison hemlock. Although his students had prepared everything for him to escape prison and death, he refused. He believed that the time had come for him to die. After all, if he escaped, he would be proved disobedient to the rules of the state, so he would harm his own city. Socrates is probably the philosopher with the greatest influence ever.

As to the facts above, revealed that most of what we seeing around and to each of what we work for, it is origins from the ancient times and most founded by the Greek people. Greek, full of myths and legends story and people born in.


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